A pressing family matter has, unfortunately, kept me away from Substack for several months. But my interest in corrupt guardianships has never waivered...
TMZ is again investigating Wendy Williams case as she continued to speak out to the Breakfast Club January 2024. Maybe reaching out to them collaborating with your knowledge of what may need to be done to help stop this travesty nationwide. January 2025 Wendy is speaking out she is isolated behind locked doors etc.!!
Ok hi I'm new to your site and to this "way of life". Recently a family member has become a "protected" person and plunged my life into a nightmare that no one can wake up from. I've noticed one underlying theme, that this is an individual, state by state court system, that targets elders, and there is nothing that can be done, except talk about it over and over and over, while the victims wither and die in these scenarios And their god given life and rights as human beings, ( not just American, civil, and constitutional rights), are stolen from them. Americans say oh my this is wrong and this should stop yet it doesn't making their words hollow. And this maybe a radical idea but saying someone should do something about it and not actively doing something about it is an oxymoron and kinda hypocritical. Now comes the part that's radical. We appoint these evil, greedy,corrupt, heartless things, and at the end of the day THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE. What or who gives them the right to do these things and get away with it. Sitting idly by isn't the answer. We the Human Beings (Homo Sapiens of Earth) outnumber the entities that we call Judicial. And for EVERYONE to know about it and act and say it's unknown is also bogus. What i don't understand is how we the people have put up with it for so long. When did it become ok for this to happen to anyone? And why am I the only person left alive and free that's willing to do something about it, other then just talk. Taking isn't working, writing about it isn't working, so why does everyone quit there? I'm just one person and that won't amount to much, but making this a Human Problem and not just a individual state problem is a first step. I know My God might not be the same as another persons, and some people don't have a god or gods, but it's clear there definitely is a hell and we are living in it. I also know that my deity would never allow anyone to inflict slavery onto anyone. Everything done even the legal system is designed by other people, other human beings. So where does the right come from? Nowhere then why are we allowing it? Just because people believe we "need " a government doesn't give anyone the right to do this! I'm tired of sitting idly by and waiting for something to happen. And I also apologize for ranting and raving on your site. Thanks for reading...........signed, A frustrated, confused , fed up, Human Being.
TMZ is again investigating Wendy Williams case as she continued to speak out to the Breakfast Club January 2024. Maybe reaching out to them collaborating with your knowledge of what may need to be done to help stop this travesty nationwide. January 2025 Wendy is speaking out she is isolated behind locked doors etc.!!
Ok hi I'm new to your site and to this "way of life". Recently a family member has become a "protected" person and plunged my life into a nightmare that no one can wake up from. I've noticed one underlying theme, that this is an individual, state by state court system, that targets elders, and there is nothing that can be done, except talk about it over and over and over, while the victims wither and die in these scenarios And their god given life and rights as human beings, ( not just American, civil, and constitutional rights), are stolen from them. Americans say oh my this is wrong and this should stop yet it doesn't making their words hollow. And this maybe a radical idea but saying someone should do something about it and not actively doing something about it is an oxymoron and kinda hypocritical. Now comes the part that's radical. We appoint these evil, greedy,corrupt, heartless things, and at the end of the day THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE. What or who gives them the right to do these things and get away with it. Sitting idly by isn't the answer. We the Human Beings (Homo Sapiens of Earth) outnumber the entities that we call Judicial. And for EVERYONE to know about it and act and say it's unknown is also bogus. What i don't understand is how we the people have put up with it for so long. When did it become ok for this to happen to anyone? And why am I the only person left alive and free that's willing to do something about it, other then just talk. Taking isn't working, writing about it isn't working, so why does everyone quit there? I'm just one person and that won't amount to much, but making this a Human Problem and not just a individual state problem is a first step. I know My God might not be the same as another persons, and some people don't have a god or gods, but it's clear there definitely is a hell and we are living in it. I also know that my deity would never allow anyone to inflict slavery onto anyone. Everything done even the legal system is designed by other people, other human beings. So where does the right come from? Nowhere then why are we allowing it? Just because people believe we "need " a government doesn't give anyone the right to do this! I'm tired of sitting idly by and waiting for something to happen. And I also apologize for ranting and raving on your site. Thanks for reading...........signed, A frustrated, confused , fed up, Human Being.